
本文给出几种安装Hydejack的方法。 还有另一种方法是用gem Ruby gem. 如果您不在乎杂乱的目录, 您可以 the zip file. 最后您要是知道自己该怎么做,您可以直接用gitfork the git repository.

买高级版 follow these steps.


  1. 使用 Starter Kit
  2. 使用 gem
  3. Via zip
  4. Via git
  5. PRO Version
    1. PRO via GitHub (advanced)
  6. Running locally

使用 Starter Kit

使用 Starter Kit 的好处是不会扰乱您的blog库. 不仅如此,上传到 GitHub Pages只用按 push.

如果您有GitHub账户 hy-starter-kit . 或者 download the source files 再在您电脑上解压。

小贴士: 除了这个手册, 您也可以参考 Starter Kit 的快速向导。

cd 进入 _config.yml 安装所在的目录然后遵守步骤Running locally.

要不然, 您可以用 Deploy to Netlify.

使用 gem

Jekyll 有 built-in support 以RubyGems为服务的网站.


$ jekyll new <PATH>


├── _posts
│   └── 2017-04-07-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
├── _config.yml
├── about.md
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
└── index.md

小贴士: Hydejack使用Jekyll的默认config.yml, 但是建议您替换成 Hydejack’s default config file. 它包含所有Hydejack的设置选项和提供使用的设置 (像 minifying HTML 和 CSS 产生结构).

其次,如果您希望添加 jekyll-theme-hydejack 成为附属,输入以下语句在 Gemfile中.

gem "jekyll-theme-hydejack"

(您也可以删除旧主题 jekyll-theme-minima 在Gemfile)

现在您希望更改 _config.yml 在您的Jekyll网站和设置Hydejack作为主题. 找到 theme 键然后设置这个值在 jekyll-theme-hydejack.

theme: jekyll-theme-hydejack

找更多信息在基于gem的网站,点击Jekyll Documentation.

You can now continue with running locally.

Via zip

If you downloaded the extended zip, extract the contents somewhere on your machine. The high-level folder structure will look something like.

├── _data
├── _featured_categories
├── _featured_tags
├── _includes
├── _js
├── _layouts
├── _posts
├── _sass
├── assets
├── _config.yml
├── 404.md
├── about.md
├── index.html
└── posts.md

cd into the directory where _config.yml is located and follow the steps in Running locally.

Via git

If you are familiar with using git, you can add the Hydejack repository as a remote, and merge its master branch into your working branch.

$ git remote add hydejack git@github.com:qwtel/hydejack.git
$ git pull hydejack master

You can also update Hydejack this way. The master branch will not contain work in progress, but will contain major (breaking) changes. This approach is recommended if you intend to customize Hydejack.

You can now continue with running locally.

PRO Version

If you bought the PRO version, you’ve received a zip archive with the following contents:

├── install
├── upgrade
├── Documentation.pdf
├── NOTICE.pdf
├── PRO License.pdf
├── PRO–hy-drawer License.pdf
├── PRO–hy-img License.pdf
├── PRO–hy-push-state License.pdf
└── .ssh
Contains all files and folders needed to create a new blog.
Contains only the files and folders needed for upgrading form an earlier version of Hydejack (6.0.0 or above). See Upgrade for more.
A hidden folder containing a SSH key for read-only access to the Hydejack PRO GitHub repository. You can use this to install Hydejack PRO as gem-based theme. See the installation instructions below. This is for advanced users.

For new installations only the install folder is relevant. Unzip the archive somewhere on your machine, then cd into the install folder, e.g.

$ cd ~/Downloads/hydejack-pro-8.1.1/install/

You can now continue with Running locally.

PRO via GitHub (advanced)

If you know how to handle SSH keys, you can also install the PRO version as a gem-based theme via GitHub. The advantage of this method is that you avoid cluttering your Jekyll repository with Hydejack’s source files.

The downloaded zip contains a read-only key for a private GitHub repository. It is located at <dowloaded zip>/.ssh/hydejack_8_pro. You have to copy the key file to ~/.ssh (or wherever your SSH keys are located), e.g.:

$ cp ~/Downloads/hydejack-pro-8.1.1/.ssh/hydejack_8_pro ~/.ssh/

It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others, e.g.:

$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/hydejack_8_pro

Then add the following to .ssh/config:

Host hydejack
	HostName github.com
	IdentitiesOnly yes
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/hydejack_8_pro

Next, open Gemfile in your Jekyll repository and add:

gem "jekyll-theme-hydejack-pro", git: 'git@hydejack:qwtel/hydejack-8-pro.git'

In your _config.yml, add:

theme: jekyll-theme-hydejack-pro

You can now continue with Running locally.

Running locally

Make sure you’ve cded into the directory where _config.yml is located. Before running for the first time, dependencies need to be fetched from RubyGems:

$ bundle install

NOTE: If you are missing the bundle command, you can install Bundler by running gem install bundler.

Now you can run Jekyll on your local machine:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

and point your browser to http://localhost:4000 to see Hydejack in action.

Continue with Config

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Powered by Hydejack v8.1.1