
This chapters shows how to prepare your Hydejack site for a production build and deployment on 3rd party hosting providers.

Table of Contents

  1. Starter Kit
  2. Preparation
  3. Building locally
  4. Building locally with latent semantic analysis
  5. GitHub Pages

Starter Kit

If you’re using the starter kit, all you have to do is push your repository:

$ git add .
$ git commit "Update"
$ git push origin master


Before building, make sure the following is part of your config file:

# file: _config.yml
  comments:  ["<!-- ", " -->"]
  clippings: all
  endings:   all

  style:     compressed

You can check out jekyll-compress-html and for details.

Building locally

When building Hydejack it is important to set the environment variable JEKYLL_ENV to production. Otherwise the output will not be minified. Building itself happens via Jekyll’s build command.

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build

This will generate the finished static files in _site, which can be deployed using the methods outlined in the Jekyll Documentation.

Building locally with latent semantic analysis

By default, related posts are simply the most recent posts. Hydejack modifies this a bit, by showing the most recent posts of the same category or tag. However, the results are still pretty “unrelated”. To provide better results, Jekyll supports latent semantic analysis via classifier-reborn’s Latent Semantic Indexer

To use the LSI, you first have to disable Hydejack’s default behavior, by setting use_lsi: true under the hydejack key in your config file.

# file: _config.yml
  use_lsi: true

Then, you have to run jekyll build with the --lsi flag:

$ JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build --lsi

Note that this may take a long time. Once it is finished, the generated static files will be located in the _site directory, which can be deployed using the methods outlined in the Jekyll Documentation.

GitHub Pages

To deploy to GitHub Pages, the steps are:

$ cd _site
$ git init # you only need to do this once
$ git remote add origin <github_remote_url> # you only need to do this once
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Build"
$ git push origin master:<remote_branch>
$ cd ..
Find this on your repository’s GitHub page.
Either master for “user or organization pages”, or gh-pages for “project pages”

More on user, organization, and project pages.

Continue with Advanced

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